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Value KPI
When Excellence is Your Top Priority
monitor and optimize
If Excellence is Your Top Priority
Then you need to know where you stand to have a healthy supply chain operation.
It is mission critical for supply chain professionals to continuously monitor and optimize their supply chain operations.

Reach for the Stars
We offer the following sample KPIs & metrics for all sizes of hospitals, systems, and IDNs:
- Inventory turns
- Supply expenses
- Cost per supply categories
- Departmental cost per category
- Spend control
- Warehouse cost
- Fill rate
- Inventory days on hand
- Customized KPIs & metrics

why we do it
Why Does Benchmarking Work?
- Benchmarking is founded on accounting principles
- Cost divided by operating metric equals cost per metric
- Compare the metric to the best practice metric
- The difference will show whether you are good, bad, or best practice level
- You can ascertain savings or bottom line improvement quickly

Benchmarking is Not a One Time Event
Benchmarking one time will show great benefit but ongoing benchmarking will help you capture the always moving target once and for all

Contact ValueKPI for a no cost no obligation solutions review